Did you know that about 1% of the world’s population is vegan, and that the number is
expected to grow to about 10% by 2032*? Even as the popularity of a plant-based diet
grows, there are still many myths regarding that abound. Regardless of where you are
in your vegan journey, you’ve probably heard some of these. Here’s the truth behind
some of these most popular myths.

  1. Vegans don’t get enough protein.
    This is one of the most common myths regarding a vegan lifestyle, and stems from the
    belief that plant-based proteins do not contain every essential amino acid that makes up
    a ‘complete protein’, unlike protein from animal sources. However the argument doesn’t
    hold up as a diversified plant protein-based diet will give you all the amino acids that
    your body needs. In fact, you would do well to include tempeh, lentils, chickpeas,
    almonds and quinoa in your diet.
  2. A vegan diet is expensive.
    This myth has us laughing all the way to the bank, but the misconception probably
    stems from the prices at popular vegan restaurants and from buying canned foods at
    the supermarkets. In truth, the most pocket-friendly vegan foods are staples such as
    rice, lentils, beans, oats, fruits, veggies, and tofu.
  3. You can’t build muscle without meat.
    Top athletes such as Novak Djokovic, Venus Williams, Nick Kygrios, Lewis Hamilton,
    and Alex Morgan would beg to differ. The fundamentals of building muscle are calorie
    surplus, adequate protein intake, and recovery. So long as you’re consistent and
    mindful about these three things, you should not have a problem building muscle,
    regardless of the source of your proteins.
  4. Veganism leads to malnutrition

Contrary to this idea, a balanced vegan diet offers a myriad of health benefits. It is
commonly believed that a vegan diet lacks calcium, iron, and Vitamin B12. However this
simply isn’t true. Many plant-based foods contain a high concentration of calcium and
iron, while cereals and plant-based milk are fortified with B12 supplements. In other
words, a vegan diet can boost the immune system, enable better heart function,
promote healthier skin, and generally help you feel more energized.

  1. Being vegan guarantees good health
    Unfortunately, as contradictory as this sounds, this too is a myth. Cutting out meat and
    dairy does offer several health benefits such as a lowered risk of heart disease,
    diabetes, obesity and certain cancer.

6. However, this depends on you eating wholefoods, fruits and veggies, legumes and grains rather than fried and sugary foods.

There are many myths about being vegan, and like everything else in life, there will be
detractors to discourage you. When this happens, consider the reasons why you’ve
chosen to embrace this journey and go back to the facts. This Origin Nutritition blog
offers a number of informative articles, while our recipes section offers easy and tasty
dishes that you can try. Of course, our vegan protein powder is available in a selection
of flavors and makes a great addition to your meals.