Having a water bottle is great to beat the summer heat

Hey there,
It’s no secret that excessive sugar intake can wreak havoc on your health, what many people don’t realise is just how prevalent hidden sugars are in everyday foods. Do you know your yoghurt contains between 17-57 gms per 100g or that ketchup has around 22g of sugar per 100g?

Let’s go over how you can navigate the grocery aisles like a pro and make informed choices for your well-being.

Decoding Labels
Let’s start by decoding the labels. Manufacturers often use various terms to disguise sugar in their products. Keep an eye out for ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup, cane sugar, maltose, dextrose, and sucrose. These are all just fancy names for sugar, and they can sneak their way into everything from breakfast cereals to salad dressings.

“Healthy” Products
Next up, don’t be fooled by “healthy” labels. Just because a product boasts being “low-fat” or “natural” doesn’t mean it’s free of hidden sugars. Many low-fat or fat-free products compensate for the lack of flavour by adding extra sugar. Similarly, products labelled as “natural” can still contain added sugars, so always check the ingredient list. Quite often the front of the label does not match the back, it’s up to us to be extra diligent about information on packaging.

Everyday Foods
Now, let’s talk about the usual suspects. While it’s no surprise to find sugar in sweets like cookies and candies, you might be shocked to discover just how much sugar is hiding in seemingly innocent foods like yoghurt, granola bars, and flavoured drinks. Even savoury foods like pasta sauce and salad dressings can pack a sugary punch. The key here is to be mindful of serving sizes and opt for products with little to no added sugars whenever possible.

The Impact of Sugar on Your Health
But why should you care about hidden sugars, you ask? Well, besides the obvious impact on your waistline, excessive sugar consumption has been linked to a myriad of health issues, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even certain types of cancer. Not to mention, sugar can wreak havoc on your energy levels, causing those dreaded sugar crashes that leave you feeling lethargic and irritable.

Tips for Minimising Hidden Sugars in Your Diet

Now, onto the good stuff – how to minimise those hidden sugars and make healthier choices. Start by becoming a label detective and opting for products with minimal added sugars. Whole foods like fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains are your best bet.

And guess what? We did something special for sweet lovers with our Daily Vegan Protein and Go-Go Fuel for kids. We’ve waved goodbye to refined sugar and said hello to natural sweetness. Our secret? Stevia for the grown-ups and coconut sugar for your little ones – because who says healthy can’t be deliciously sweet?

Swap out sugary colas/ sodas for water or herbal teas, and try natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup instead. And when you’re cooking or baking, reach for natural alternatives like stevia or erythritol for that same sweetness without the guilt.

Moderation, mindfulness, and smart choices – they all add up to a healthier, happier you in the long run.

So there you have it – your guide to uncovering those sneaky hidden sugars. Armed with this knowledge, you can take control of your diet and make choices that support your health and vitality. Cheers to your well-being from all of us at Origin!