Whether it’s working out or eating clean and healthy, you take your health seriously, so why
shouldn’t that apply to your supplements too? With the Informed Choice certification, you
know that your supplements have been tested, ensuring they are free from banned
substances or impurities. It is the highest standard certification globally.

So, what exactly is Informed Choice?
A global quality assurance third-party supplement testing program, Informed Choice aims to
minimise the risk of dietary supplements being contaminated by banned or harmful
substances. They follow a strict step by step procedure to ensure that the products being
tested are of the highest quality.

Products are analysed for over 250 banned substances before being Informed Choice
certified. That’s not all, once certified, Informed Choice also conducts blind tests by
purchasing samples from retail outlets to test and make sure that their certification still
stands and that the product you are purchasing is safe. With the Informed Choice
certification, you can trust the product you purchase.

The Process:
Getting certified by Informed Choice is a rigorous four step process:

  1. Reviewing how the product is manufactured including supplier analysis, raw
    materials, staff training, quality control systems and audits as well as recall
  2. Next is product sampling across multiple product batches
  3. Once approved, the product is then listed on the Informed Choice website (You can
    find us here – https://choice.wetestyoutrust.com/informed-choice-certified-brands)
  4. The product is subjected to monthly blind retail tests to ensure that standards are

What does this all mean?
You, your nutrition and health are important to us. We strive everyday to guarantee that
our products are of the highest standard globally. At Origin Nutrition, our products receive
the highest quality of certifications, to assure our customers that they have been regularly
tested for quality and what you get is nothing short of the best.

To know more about Informed Choice, visit https://choice.wetestyoutrust.com/