All you need to know about the International Year of Millets

Millets are a group of small grains that have been cultivated for around 10,000 years as staple crops in various parts of the globe, especially in Asia and Africa. They are extremely adaptable to various climates and soils, making it a reliable crop even in challenging environmental conditions. They are quite nutritious and can be used both in their original grain form in porridges or as flour to make bread and other baked foods. 

In a world in which dietary preferences are evolving and there’s a growing emphasis on sustainable agricultural practices, the United Nations has designated the year 2023 as the International Year of Millets. This declaration aims to shed light on the nutritional significance of millets, foster food security, and promote sustainable farming methods. As the world celebrates this vital grain, let’s delve into the International Year of Millets. 

Cultivating Awareness 

Central to the objectives of the International Year of Millets is the mission to raise global awareness about the health benefits of these grains and their role in enhancing nutrition and food security. Millets are rich repositories of essential nutrients such as fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and have long been a cornerstone of human sustenance. By spotlighting their nutritional value, this initiative seeks to encourage populaces across the world to incorporate millets into their diets, contributing to improved health outcomes and overall well-being.

Empowering Farmers and Sustainable Agriculture

Another objective of the International Year of Millets is to support the farmers and advance sustainable agricultural practices. By promoting the cultivation and consumption of millets, the initiative aims to empower local communities, stimulate rural economies, and create a more resilient food system. Millets’ innate ability to flourish in diverse and harsh agro-climatic conditions places it as a viable food solution to regions particularly susceptible to climate change. As climate resilience of food crops becomes an ever-pressing concern, millets stand as a potential solution for ensuring food security in the face of environmental challenges.

Nurturing Innovation and Collaboration

The International Year of Millets actively encourages research and development initiatives aimed at optimising millet production and utilisation. By fostering innovation by tapping into its versatility and adaptability, the full potential of millets as a food solution can be realised. Moreover, the year is poised to become a platform for knowledge sharing and partnerships, bridging governments, organisations, and individuals with a shared commitment to promoting millets on a global scale.

Biodiversity and Sustainability

The International Year of Millets acknowledges and celebrates the intrinsic connection between these grains and biodiversity. Millets, as traditional crops, have admirably adapted to various ecological niches, contributing to the preservation of biodiversity and the promotion of sustainable farming practices. The minimal water requirements and inputs demanded by millets render them a paragon of sustainable agriculture, aligning perfectly with the world’s growing appetite for ecologically sound solutions.

A Year of Activities and Transformation

The International Year of Millets promises a vibrant tapestry of activities and events, serving as a platform for engagement and education. From demonstrations that unveil the culinary versatility of millets to workshops that delve into their nutritional benefits, the year is set to be a celebration of this grain’s enduring legacy. Conferences and policy dialogues will provide forums for interdisciplinary discussions, propelling millets to the forefront of agricultural discourse.

Catalyzing Policy and Advocacy

At its core, the International Year of Millets is a call to action. By advocating policy changes and bolstering support for millet farmers, processors, and consumers, the initiative seeks to engender lasting change. Governments and international organisations are encouraged to leverage this unique opportunity to enact policies that foster the cultivation, processing, and consumption of millets. Policy changes have the potential to reverberate across borders, transforming food systems and nurturing sustainability. 

A Culmination of Heritage and the Future

As we celebrate the International Year of Millets, we honour the profound history and enduring legacy of a grain that has nourished civilizations for millennia. From ancient China’s staple crop to its role in sustaining communities across climates, millets have etched an indelible mark on the shared human story. In an era where challenges such as food security and nutrition loom large, millets emerge as a beacon of hope, embodying resilience, sustainability, and the potential to shape a healthier, more harmonious future. 

5 common Myths about eating protein that you NEED to Stop Believing

Proteins are the building blocks of life, they are crucial for the growth and repair of your body and also for immunity and overall health. Hence they are an essential component of a well-balanced diet. However, there are several persistent myths about protein consumption that continue to circulate, often leading to misconceptions that can negatively impact dietary choices and thereby the well-being of many people. 

Let’s debunk 5 of these myths and set the record straight.

  1. Protein is only for fitness enthusiasts

Protein is a nutrient that transcends categorization such as athletes and nonathletes, meeting the needs of young and old, active and sedentary, and all those in between. It is the body’s support system and is absolutely essential for everyone, regardless of activity level. It aids in maintaining a healthy metabolism by ensuring your body efficiently converts food into energy, fortifying immune function against infection, repairing tissues from injury, and wear and tear, and sustaining vital body functions.

  1. Protein only comes from meat

Protein is found in a variety of foods beyond just meat. Plant-based proteins take centre stage in this revelation. Legumes like beans, lentils, and chickpeas offer a hearty dose of protein, accompanied by a generous serving of fibre that greatly nurtures digestive health. Nuts and seeds, like chia, almonds, and pumpkin seeds, provide a lot of protein, complemented by healthy fats that nourish heart and brain health.

  1. Animal Proteins Are Superior to Plant Proteins

Animal proteins are complete proteins, which means they contain all essential amino acids. However, animal-based proteins like whey protein are unsuitable for lactose-intolerant individuals and can lead to bloating, gas, and discomfort. Plant-based sources are safe for most people who are sensitive to allergens, they

can also provide a complete amino acid profile when combined properly. Plant proteins bring to the table a unique bundle of benefits – not only do they supply protein, but they’re also rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They play a crucial role in heart health, digestion, and even disease prevention. Origin’s Vegan Plant Proteins are allergen free and contain 4g of essential amino acids making it a great protein for everyone. 

  1. Older Adults Don’t Need as Much Protein

The human body is like a machine that requires constant and careful maintenance. Protein helps with this. It is an essential key to health and as we age, its importance and necessity only increases. As we age, our muscle mass naturally declines, leading to potential frailty and problems with mobility. Protein aids in the preservation of muscle tissue and strength. Older adults may also grapple with changes in appetite and digestion. Protein, with its satiating power, prevents unintended weight loss and malnutrition. Adequate protein intake contributes to bone density and reduces the risk of fractures. Our Vegan proteins address the most protein requirements for adults and for the elderly Origin has a Vegan Protein for Senior Care which has 20 vitamins and minerals specifically formulated for seniors along with a blend of 9 Superfoods.

  1. You Can’t Get Enough Protein on a Plant-Based Diet

Plant-based diets can provide all the necessary protein, but careful planning is necessary to ensure a variety of protein sources and essential amino acids. When approached thoughtfully and purposefully, a plant-based diet can effortlessly supply all the protein your body requires, while also offering an array of health advantages that contribute to your overall well-being. 

Dispelling these myths and understanding the truth about protein is important to help you make informed dietary choices that align with your health and fitness goals and your holistic well-being.  

Who said Sundays are Holidays? (PCOS  – Protein Care on Sundays) 

All you need to know about preparing a diet on Sundays.

Ah, Sundays! A day of relaxation, leisure, and perhaps some much-needed indulgence. But who said Sundays are just for unwinding? Let’s turn the spotlight on PCOS (Protein Care on Sundays) and explore how preparing a healthy diet on Sundays can set the tone for a vibrant and energetic week ahead. 

In this blog, we will dive into the benefits of adopting a PCOS routine, how to plan a balanced diet, and the delicious yet nutritious recipes that will make you eagerly anticipate Mondays!

“Protein Care on Sundays,” a concept that encourages prioritizing protein-rich meals and mindful eating on this particular day of the week. Protein is a vital macronutrient that supports various bodily functions, helps in repairing tissues, and keeps us feeling fuller for longer. By focusing on Protein Care on Sundays, you give your body the essential nutrients it needs to kickstart a healthy and active week.

Before we delve into meal ideas, let’s explore why protein is so important. When you consume protein-rich foods, you provide your body with amino acids that act as building blocks for muscles, enzymes, hormones, and more. Protein also aids in boosting your metabolism, which means your body burns more calories even while resting. Furthermore, including sufficient protein in your diet can help stabilize blood sugar levels, keeping your energy levels consistent throughout the day.

To make the most of your PCOS routine, it’s essential to plan your Sunday meals mindfully. 

Here’s a breakdown of what your day could look like:

Meal prepping can be a game-changer for maintaining your PCOS routine. Spend a portion of your Sunday prepping ingredients and cooking ahead for the upcoming week. Having protein-packed meals readily available will save you time and keep you on track, even on busy weekdays.

In the midst of focusing on protein intake, don’t forget the importance of staying hydrated. Water is essential for digestion, energy levels, and overall well-being. So, remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

By adopting a Protein Care on Sundays routine, you’ll experience numerous benefits. Not only will it keep you healthy and energised, but it can also positively impact your mood and mental clarity. Additionally, when you prioritise self-care through mindful eating, you set a positive tone for the rest of the week, making Mondays something to look forward to!

So, who said Sundays are just holidays? Embrace Protein Care on Sundays and revolutionize your weekly routine. By dedicating one day to focus on your health, nutrition, and well-being, you’ll feel the positive effects spilling over into the rest of the week. Prepare your protein-packed meals, stay hydrated, and watch how your body and mind respond with gratitude. 

Here’s to a healthier and happier week ahead, all thanks to the power of Protein Care on Sundays!

Indian Protein Diet Vs. International Protein Diet

In recent years, there has been a tremendous surge in health and fitness consciousness across the globe, leading to an increased focus on making diets protein-rich. Proteins play a crucial role in building and repairing tissues, supporting immunity, and aiding in various bodily processes. While the concept of a protein diet is universal, there are distinct differences between the Indian protein diet and the international protein diet. Let’s explore both diets and their impact on overall health and well-being.

The Indian Protein Diet

The traditional Indian diet is rich in plant-based protein sources, which is great for vegetarians and vegans. Lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, and other legumes are staples in Indian cuisine, providing essential proteins, fibre, and other nutrients. Dairy products are extremely popular in India, with paneer (cottage cheese) and yoghurt being significant sources of protein. 

One of the primary advantages of the Indian protein diet is its emphasis on incorporating a variety of spices and herbs. Turmeric, cumin, and ginger have anti-inflammatory properties, while fenugreek and curry leaves aid digestion. These elements enhance the nutritional value of Indian meals and contribute to overall well-being.

The International Protein Diet

Now on the other hand, the international protein diet often centres around animal-based protein sources like lean meats, poultry, fish, and eggs. While this diet provides a complete set of essential amino acids, it is not suitable for those following vegetarian or vegan lifestyles. This diet also includes dairy products like cheese and whey protein, which are commonly used in shakes and supplements to meet protein requirements. In Western countries, protein bars and shakes are extremely popular as convenient options for individuals on the go.

Let’s compare the two and see their differences. 

In conclusion, we may state that both the international and Indian protein diets have particular advantages and disadvantages. The Indian protein diet excels at providing a wide variety of plants and a variety of nutrients through spices and herbs. The international protein diet, on the other hand, offers full amino acid profiles and is more well-known globally but not suitable for vegans and vegetarians.

A balanced approach that incorporates the best aspects of both diets can help individuals achieve their protein goals while promoting overall health.  One of the easiest ways to boost your diet with protein is to use Origin Nutrition’s Vegan Protein Powder, the multiple flavours will keep you from growing bored. For those on the go Mojo Pops which are vegan protein chips and contain 10g of protein per pack are perfect to snack anywhere and anytime.

Of course, consulting a qualified nutritionist or healthcare professional is essential before making significant dietary changes. A personalised approach will ensure that your protein diet aligns with your specific needs and helps you reach your health and fitness goals.

All you need to know about creating a Workout Plan

Creating a workout plan that aligns with your fitness goals is paramount to your physical health, and in turn your mental and emotional wellbeing. Exercise types, intensity, scheduling, and nutrition play a crucial role in your fitness journey. 

Let’s explore the key elements of creating a workout plan. 

Setting Goals:

Establishing clear and realistic fitness goals is the first step to designing your workout plan. Whether you aim to enhance overall fitness, build muscle or increase your stamina, your goals will determine the exercises, intensity, and duration of your workouts. By making your goals specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound, you can create your exercise and nutrition plans with greater accuracy and impact.

Understanding Your Body:

A basic understanding of your body and its capabilities is necessary to create an effective workout plan. Consulting a healthcare provider or a fitness professional will provide you with information regarding your current fitness level, any underlying health conditions, and any physical limitations you may have. Based on the insights received, you may have to avoid certain exercises, add more nutrients to your diet or change the frequency of your workout.

Exercise Selection:

Your exercise selection will depend upon your goals, your body’s capabilities and your preferences. A combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and flexibility exercises would make a well-rounded workout plan. It is important to spend time doing warming-up exercises before engaging in more intense exercises.

Cardiovascular exercises are great for elevating your heart rate and improving stamina. Running, cycling, or swimming are great cardio exercises, swimming is considered the best, as the wear and tear on your bones and muscles is minimal compared to the others. Weightlifting or bodyweight-enhancing exercises like push-ups and squats are good strength-training exercises that focus on building and toning muscles. Flexibility exercises, such as yoga or stretching routines, improve range of motion and reduce the risk of injury. 

Partnering up with another fitness enthusiast or including a variety of activities will keep your workouts engaging and enjoyable. 

Scheduling and Frequency:

How often and when you exercise as well as adequate rest and recovery periods are absolutely essential to creating a workout plan that’s best for you.

For cardiovascular exercises, it is recommended you work out for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week, spread across several sessions.  For strength training, two to three sessions per week, alternating major muscle groups for recovery should be good.

Rest and post-recovery periods are important parts to consider while mapping out the schedule and frequency of exercises. Following your workouts, it is important to prioritize post-workout recovery, including replenishing your protein stores. 


Determining your nutrient requirements is critical for building an effective workout plan. Fueling your body with the right nutrients before, during, and after exercise can enhance performance, aid in muscle recovery, and promote overall fitness. Carbohydrates provide energy, water keeps you hydrated and protein aids muscle repair and growth. Protein consumed after exercise helps repair damaged muscle tissue and stimulate muscle growth. Origin’s unflavoured vegan protein powder is perfect to power up your favourite post-workout meal or you can use a flavoured one to make a shake to optimise recovery.

Customise your nutrition to the specific demands of your workout, ensuring you have the energy and nutrients necessary to optimise your performance and reach your fitness goals.

In short, when creating a workout plan, focusing on plant-based protein is a smart choice for meeting your protein needs and supporting your fitness goals.  Understanding the importance of protein, determining your protein requirements, incorporating balanced meals and snacks, considering the timing and pre-and post-workout nutrition, and, if needed, utilising protein supplements will help you optimise your workout plan and achieve the results you desire. With careful planning, you can create a workout plan that supports your overall health and fitness.

Late-Night Eating? Beat It With Protein

For the global citizen of today, late-night eating has become an acceptable habit. However, this eating pattern can have significant effects on our bodies and overall health. Let’s explore the impact of late-night eating and its solutions.

What causes Late-Night Eating?

Snacking late into the night emerges from a number of factors which include inadequate eating during the day, poor sleeping habits, work shifts with erratic hours, stress, boredom, hormonal imbalances etc.

How does Late-Night Eating affect our health?

Our brain has a natural sleep-wake pattern called the Circadian rhythm which helps regulate several vital processes in the body like digestion, hormone production and metabolism. 

When we consume food before bedtime, our bodies have less time to digest and metabolise the nutrients properly. This can cause digestive discomfort, indigestion and obesity. The discomfort of the stomach can also lead to difficulty in falling asleep and poor quality of sleep thereby disrupting our sleep patterns. Diabetes, cardiovascular issues and other health issues can be caused by poor sleep. Thus late-night eating disrupts Circadian rhythm and can severely affect our health and well being.  

Let’s take a look at some ways in which we can overcome Late-Night Eating?

  1. Emotional management. Often negative emotions like feelings of stress, sadness, anger and boredom instigate comfort overeating. Taking a short walk around the house, talking to a friend or in more extreme cases seeking professional mental help are some ways to manage these emotions.
  1. A glass of water. People often mistake thirst with hunger. So try having a glass of water. A few sips usually removes the urge to eat.
  1. Proper Sleep. If you aren’t getting adequate sleep, it leaves your body feeling tired and craving carbohydrate-rich foods. Proper sleep will help solve this.
  1. Proper daytime eating. You may be overeating at night because you aren’t eating enough during the day, which leads to insatiable hunger in the evening. Data suggests that eating high-protein meals during the day may cull the need to eat at night in half. High protein foods like meat, nuts and cheese may reduce the need to overeat later in the day.
  1. Controlled night snacking. It’s okay to have a snack at night if you realise how much you’re eating. Your willpower and power of observation to not eat too much will prevent you from overeating. Also healthy snacks like certain cheeses or whole fruits like apples and pears are great to control your night cravings.

Beat Late Night Eating with Plant Protein

Plant proteins are derived from sources such as legumes, seeds, and whole grains, and are a fantastic option for late-night meals. Plant proteins are rich in amino acids, fibre, vitamins, and minerals, while having lower quantities of saturated fats and cholesterol. This makes them easier to digest and can prevent indigestion or discomfort.

Plant proteins also contain tryptophan, an amino acid precursor to serotonin and melatonin, neurotransmitters which are involved in regulating sleep and mood,  

so consuming them can lead to a better sleep. Origin Nutrition’s Vegan proteins contain the essential amino acids that are not present in most other plant proteins. With great ease you can create light and healthy snacks to help with late night eating.

Late-night eating has a significant impact on our bodies and sleep quality. Proper sleep, adequate consumption of food during daytime and nutrient-dense, plant-based proteins which provide our bodies with the necessary fuel while supporting proper digestion and sleep are some of the methods to overcome late night eating are the key to your health and well being.

Maximising Your Workout: Protein Shake – Pre or Post? 

The timing of protein intake with exercise is one of the major fitness controversies. Depending on who you ask, pre-workout protein or post-workout protein is the best way to grow muscle. While it is undeniably crucial to fuel your workouts with protein, it is time to finish the discussion and throw out the blender once and for all. (pun intended) 

So, which is better—drinking a protein shake before or after exercise? Sincerely, the decision is yours. It largely depends on your demands, way of life, and objectives. You should emphasize obtaining your recommended daily intake of protein from a variety of sources, and you can add protein drinks as needed.

Furthermore, protein doesn’t necessarily need to be consumed in the form of shakes. Getting the appropriate nutrients into your body is more important. You should consume something before and after working out because protein and carbs are the two main energy sources. 

A protein shake before or after your workout? 

Once more, the decision rests with you and is based on your objectives. For protein smoothies, try out Origin Nutrition’s daily plant-based protein powder. They are a fantastic way to increase your daily protein consumption, but when you consume them are less crucial than you probably realize. To maximize muscle gain, you should consume enough protein throughout the day and space your pre-and post-workout meals no more than four to six hours apart. 

Pros of a protein shake before a workout 

Pros of a protein shake after workout 

In short, there are not many cons to this and there isn’t a single best moment to consume a protein shake. You should do whatever suits your needs and timetable the best. To help your muscles grow and repair, you should really concentrate on consuming enough protein each day. And remember, don’t consume it all at once! You could be doing yourself harm if you eat too much protein at one meal but not enough at others.

The rise in popularity of plant-based diets and alternatives in recent years has fueled a boom in goods like plant-based meat and protein. Although these concepts may sound similar, they have clear distinctions that are crucial to comprehend. 

So let’s explore the intriguing world of plant-based protein and plant-based meat, exploring their differences and highlighting what makes them special. 

In this article, we will give insight into the significant differences. Read on to know more! 

Plant-Based Protein vs Plant-Based Meat 

Plant-based meat specifically refers to meat substitutes made using isolated or concentrated proteins of different plants to mimic animal products you’re already familiar with, like burgers or nuggets. 

Plant-based protein refers to the proteins derived solely from plant sources, excluding any animal products. This mainly centres around whole food and vegetarian protein sources(Chickpea, Soy, Pumpkin, Peas etc) from which protein powder is extracted which is known as plant-based protein powder

These two plant-based options are related to people’s desire to eat more healthfully or sustainably. However, switching your entire diet to plant-based, whole-food protein isn’t always simple.

That’s where plant-based meat can serve as the starting point of a more significant lifestyle change. It is worthwhile to examine the power of raw plant protein to better comprehend its application because plant-based meat products and a totally plant-based diet share many dietary inspirations and direct constituents.

Whole foods high in protein: the plant-based diet

Changing to a plant-based diet is beneficial for the environment and for you. More plant-based foods should be incorporated into your diet since they contain high levels of vital minerals like potassium, iron, and fibre, and studies have linked these elements to a longer life expectancy and a lower risk of heart disease.

But a major source of opposition is the concern over how to acquire enough protein still if meat consumption is reduced.

Naturally occurring plants contain a substantial amount of protein. The highest-quality vegetarian protein sources per serving are listed below:

However, eating enough protein isn’t the only thing that matters; acquiring the appropriate kinds is just as crucial.

Origin Nutrition’s protein has been crafted keeping health and taste as a priority, it comes in six flavours, and each serving delivers an impressive 25g of protein sourced from premium European golden peas which are 100% clean and safe. 

You can enjoy the benefits of protein without worrying about unwanted allergens.

Understanding the plant-based meat 

All too frequently, a wide range of protein substitutes are falsely referred to as plant-based meat. For a long time now, plant-based proteins like tofu, tempeh, or jackfruit have been referred to as meat substitutes or “mock meat.” These whole foods are made from a whole food plant source, even if they may be prepared to resemble the texture or flavour of the meat. As a result, they would be regarded as plant-based proteins in the context of this article, as we discussed in the first section. A meat substitute is made by substituting something else for meat as the main ingredient, frequently attempting to mimic the texture and flavour of the meat.

Today, protein isolates are used in the majority of plant-based meat products. Protein is extracted from the plant in order to create a protein isolate, allowing for its individual use. While the main nutritional ingredient in meat replacements is protein isolates, other substances are added to replicate the sensory qualities of meat.

Navigating the world of plant-based substitutes requires knowing the difference between plant-based protein and plant-based meat. Both strategies have distinct benefits, ranging from enhanced health indicators to less environmental impact. These options provide exciting chances to adopt a more sustainable and kind way of eating, whether you want to increase the amount of plant-based protein in your diet or investigate the world of plant-based meat substitutes.

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The Process:
Getting certified by Informed Choice is a rigorous four step process:

  1. Reviewing how the product is manufactured including supplier analysis, raw
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You, your nutrition and health are important to us. We strive everyday to guarantee that
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We have a societal fear of fats these days. The truth is some fats are good for us: adults and children alike. In fact, children need a slightly higher fat intake than adults. So cutting all fat out of your child’s diet isn’t the best idea. Similarly, kids also need more calories proportional to their body weight than adults do. The fix to this is easy: along with fruits and veggies, include whole grains, nuts and seeds, legumes and good fats such as nut or seed butter in their meals. 

  1. Stop using terms such as ‘good’ and ‘bad’ foods 

Children learn from the adults in their lives – so if you have an unhealthy relationship with food, you’re likely to pass that on. By that same token, the language that you use to describe food, As a parent, it’s hard not to worry about your child. Is your little eating enough or too little? Is he or she getting all the right nutrients to be healthy and strong? Little ones can be notoriously picky eaters, so sometimes just getting them to eat something feels like a win. There’s no absolute right or wrong way to parent – but there are things you can do to make sure that your child is getting the right nutrients AND developing good eating habits and attitudes towards food. On the flipside, there are definitely things that you should definitely examine and/or avoid. Here are some common nutrition mistakes that you could be making with regard to your child, and how you can fix them. 

There’s sugar in more foods that we know. ‘Fruity’ snacks and juices, breakfast cereals and other ready-made food products are often loaded with sugar. While you don’t have to cut these out entirely, read the labels on the products that you buy so you have some sense of the sugar content. Also replace the fruit snacks with actual fruits. This way, your little one learns to appreciate fruits as a source of sugar at a young age. 

Sure, offering your small one a treat – maybe a dessert they like or a sweet – as a bribe to eat or as a reward for eating the foods that they don’t want might seem like a pretty harmless thing to do. But what you might not realize is that this signals to them that certain foods are worth eating. Sweets and desserts therefore become more valuable to your child than their regular food. 

Labeling food as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ dictates how your kids see these foods too, and can lead to your child also developing the same attitudes towards food. What you can do instead is tell them how the particular food is good or bad for them. 

It’s easy to fall into the habit of preparing a separate meal for your kid that you know he or she will eat. And while this might seem like a sensible thing to do, in the long run, you’re encouraging fussy eating and limiting your little one’s diet. Instead, what you could do is prepare the same meal but with a slight variation in the amount of spice you use. This way, he or she is exposed to a larger variety of flavors and foods. 

Eating preferences change. And while it might seem like a failsafe option to offer your child the foods that you know he or she will certainly eat, this isn’t ideal. What you want to do is keep offering them new foods, even if they don’t try it first. 

It can take 10 or more attempts for a child to try a new food. Often, they are also influenced by siblings and friends. So don’t give up too soon! 

In a world of super-sized servings,  it’s easy to forget that your little one has a rather little stomach, and needs child-sized portions. The calculation is about a tablespoon for each year of life. Serving your child too much food can also seem intimidating to your small human, and when he or she doesn’t eat it all, it can be disappointing for you. Instead, why not start small – after all, you can always offer seconds and thirds if they want it. 

Kids learn to pick and put things in their mouths by the time they are about 8 months old. So why are you still feeding your preschooler? Encouraging your little ones to feed themselves encourages them to try different types of food and also fosters a sense of independence and accomplishment. And who doesn’t want that for their little one, right? 

Aditi and Chirag, our founders are parents themselves and understand the challenges of ensuring that your small people get all the nutrients they need to stay healthy and nurture a healthy relationship with food. They want to make sure your (and theirs) children are getting the right nutrition and not fall into the trap of fast foods and easy fixes. It’s what prompted us to create Go Go Fuel, our brand new plant-based multi-nutrition powder for your school-going munchkins. Loaded with up to 10 grams of protein per serving, plus 18 vitamins and minerals, and most importantly, absolutely no refined sugar, it is a delicious and healthy addition to your child’s diet. Bring Go Go Fuel home today and tell us how your little ones like it. 

Being a parent isn’t easy. Aditi and Chirag, our founders will tell you that they know this firsthand as they are parents themselves to two young children. As a parent, you always want what’s best for your child in every way. And the weight of knowing that every choice you make for your child in those early formative years has a huge impact on the rest of his, her, or their life is immense. 

One of those choices is of course, nutrition. Trying to ensure that your small person is getting all the right nutrients in the right balance can be a real doozy, as Aditi and Chirag found out when they had their little ones. Yes, the supermarket shelves and specialty stores offer a wide and varied range of healthy drinks, snacks and breakfast foods for every age group. There is just one catch: sugar. And the realization of just how much sugar is added to what is touted as the most ‘healthy’ children’s food astounded and appalled them. But what was the alternative? 

In true entrepreneur form, Aditi and Chirag decided that if they couldn’t find it, they would make it. And thus began the exhaustive process of creating a superfood that is nutritious as it is delicious, easy to consume, and suitable for kids in their most important formative years. Although they had been through the process of creating a new product from scratch, this one was just a little bit more special. This was for their kids, their kids in their extended family, for kids of families they didn’t know. 

First came the process of creating the formulation right: Testing took five rounds with ten children per batch. We are so grateful to the 50 kids and their patient mums who took the time out to take part in our survey and help us get our formulation just right. Then there were 8 rounds of packaging design. Finally, after months of testing and recalibrating, we were ready to launch Go Go Fuel for kids. 

So what’s special about Go Go Fuel for kids? It’s completely plant-based, and made from a blend of 7 veggies and fruits. It’s also fortified with 18 essential vitamins and minerals so that you little ones can stay on the go. It offers up to 10 grams of the highest quality protein per serving, as well as dietary fibers and probiotics. Most importantly, it contains no refined sugar. Instead, we use coconut sugar which has a low glycemic index and is rich in iron, zinc, and antioxidants. It is also completely lactose-free as well as free from all common allergens. 100% clean, 100% safe and backed by science. It’s the power drink your kids need to fuel their day, every day. 

An all-in-one plant-based multi-nutritional drink that provides complete nutrition and tastes great, Go Go Fuel is available in two delicious flavors: chocolate and vanilla, and in two variants for kids between 4 to 7 years, and 8 to 10 years. Grab it, stir it, drink it, and power your kid’s day, naturally. Don’t forget to check out our vegan protein and biotin too!

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How much protein do I need?

Protein is an important part of every cell in our body. You need
protein in your diet to help build and repair tissues.