5 Fruits to Eat

and 5 Fruits to Avoid for Diabetes

Manage your diabetes with the right fruit choices!

AVOID Watermelon, EAT Berries

Watermelon has a high glycemic index and can spike blood sugar, while berries are lower in sugar and loaded with antioxidants, making them the healthier choice!

AVOID Dried Fruits, EAT Apples and Pears

Dried fruits are concentrated in sugar and can elevate blood sugar levels. Fresh apples and pears are fiber-rich, help regulate blood sugar, and provide essential vitamins.

AVOID Pineapple, EAT Citrus Fruits

Pineapple can cause rapid blood sugar spikes, while citrus fruits like oranges and lemons are lower in sugar and high in vitamin C, making them excellent choices for diabetics.

AVOID Bananas, EAT Stone Fruits

Bananas are high in sugar. Stone fruits like peaches, plums, and cherries are lower in sugar and rich in vitamins and minerals, which are better for blood sugar control.

AVOID Grapes, EAT Kiwis

Grapes are high in natural sugar, while kiwis are low in sugar, fiber, and low glycemic index, making them ideal for diabetes management.

Manage diabetes with smart fruit choices and integrate a tailored plant protein supplement for seniors into your diet to support a healthier lifestyle.