How to Become a Vegan Bodybuilder? - A Step by Step process

How to Become a Vegan Bodybuilder? - A Step by Step process


There are many people who want to know how to do bodybuilding using vegan nutritions. This article will answer all your questions about being a vegan and still wanting to build muscle. We will talk about how to get the right amount of protein, fats, carbohydrates, and calories needed for your body to grow bigger muscles.

Do your research

As you begin your research, it’s helpful to know what others are doing. Look at vegan bodybuilders and athletes, as well as those who have been successful at maintaining a healthy lifestyle while following a vegan diet. Check out their websites, social media accounts and blogs. Use these sources as inspiration for your own diet plan and use whatever information is available as a starting point.

Looking at recipes that might be similar to foods you already eat can also be helpful in developing an understanding of how best to implement a plant-based diet into your current routine. If there aren’t any recipes that seem like something you would want to eat or if you don’t feel like cooking for yourself after work or school every night then consider ordering some meals from stores. 

To build muscle on a vegan diet you need to eat enough nutrients and calories.

To build muscle on a vegan diet, you need to eat enough nutrients and calories. There are 3 macronutrients available and they are:

  • Carbohydrates:

Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of fuel. In fact, they’re the macronutrient that provides the most energy to your muscles—which is why it’s important to consume enough carbs if you want to build muscle and strength as a vegan athlete.

Carbohydrates are found in fruits, vegetables and grains. Complex carbohydrates take more time to digest than simple carbs (like sugar), which means they’ll keep you full longer. The recommended amount of complex carbs per day depends on your activity level (more active people need more): 40-70% for sedentary people; 45-65% for moderately active folks; 50-75% for highly active people.

The best kind of carbohydrate sources include whole grains (which contain B vitamins and minerals), legumes (beans) and other starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes or beets—these foods contain fibre which helps you feel full longer!

  • Proteins:

The word “protein” is derived from the Greek word “proteios”, which means “of prime importance”. Protein is a macronutrient that your body needs in large amounts for growth and development. It’s also essential for many other bodily functions including muscle growth and repair, cell renewal, immune function and digestion.

Proteins consist of amino acids linked together through peptide bonds (amino acid chains). They can be broken down into smaller units called peptides or further digested into individual amino acids (e.g., leucine). There are 20 known amino acids but humans can only produce 9 of them so they must obtain them from food sources. 

  • Fats:

Fat is an important nutrient for the body. Good fats are essential for the body, but it’s not always easy to get enough fat in your diet when you’re following a vegan lifestyle. However, there are plenty of ways to ensure that you get enough good fats while following a vegan diet and exercising regularly. If you want to increase your intake of healthy fats, here are some tips:

  • Use plant-based oils instead of animal products in your baking or vegan cooking recipes
  • Choose avocados over other fruits or vegetables as snacks or side dishes if possible.
  • Eat nuts and seeds (such as walnuts) as snacks between meals when possible instead of cookies, candy bars, etc., which are not very healthy foods anyway!

The first step to building muscle is eating enough protein, fat and carbohydrates. Protein is the most important nutrient for building muscle. The second thing that needs to be considered when trying to gain weight is calorie intake because there are two types of calories: those from protein (which help you build muscle) and those from carbohydrates or fat (which can be stored as body fat). If you’re consuming too many calories, especially if they come from carbohydrates or fat instead of protein, then it’s more likely that your body will store these excess nutrients as body fat rather than use them for energy purposes like building muscle mass.

Focus on daily protein intake and macro distribution

To build muscle and lose fat, you need a high protein diet. The typical vegan bodybuilding diet should be about 1 gram of protein per pound of your current body weight per day. Protein is the building block for muscle growth and repair, so it’s very important that you get enough vegan proteins on your vegan bodybuilding diet.

Macronutrient distribution refers to how much of your daily calories come from carbohydrates, fats, or proteins. Focus on getting 45-65% of your daily calories from carbs and 20-40% from fats while keeping protein at 10-35% of total calories. This will help you maintain muscle mass while losing fat while following the vegan bodybuilding diet plan I laid out above!. 

Work around your exercise routines with mindful strength training

Pay attention to your body’s signals. Take breaks when needed. Eat a balanced diet, and avoid overtraining. Chalk out a workout routine after consulting your trainer. Ensure you give sufficient time for muscle recovery. 

Keep track of your progress and make changes in your plan when needed

Everybody is different and some people need more or less food to feel their best, so be sure to record how you feel after eating something. You can also track your workouts, weight and measurements in a food journal. Reviewing this data regularly will help you determine whether or not you need an adjustment in your caloric intake or macronutrient ratios. Eating too little or too much can make you feel sluggish and tired, so if this happens, it’s time to adjust your plan.

Consume enough calories to support muscle growth and fuel your workouts.

You need to eat the right amount of calories to support muscle growth and fuel your workouts. This can be a challenge if you’re getting fewer calories than you need to maintain your weight, or if you’re eating more than you actually need to build muscle.

To determine how many calories should be in your diet, it’s important to know:

  • Your current weight
  • Your gender (men require more calories than women)
  • Your activity level (the more active you are, the more calories will be required)

Eat plant-based whole foods when possible.

While there are many reasons to adopt a whole foods diet, the most important is that whole foods tend to be more nutritious and filling than processed food. Processed foods typically contain added sugar, preservatives, sodium and other additives that may provide little nutritional value while contributing to weight gain. Whole foods are more likely to include fiber and vitamins/minerals which aid in healthy digestion and overall health. Processed foods are often high in sugar, fat, sodium and preservatives. While these ingredients may make certain foods taste better or last longer, they can lead to weight gain and other health issues. Processed foods may also lack fiber and vitamins/minerals which aid in healthy digestion and overall health.

Include at least two plant-based protein sources at every meal.

When you’re looking to build muscle, protein is essential. Protein provides the amino acids your body needs to create new tissue and repair old cells. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels and keep you feeling full longer between meals. To ensure that you’re getting enough protein throughout the day, include at least two plant-based protein sources at every meal.

With all this talk about how important it is for vegans to eat enough protein, some people might be concerned about consuming too much animal-based meat or dairy products—but there’s no need for worry! Even if you’re eating vegan fare with minimal calorie density (like vegetables), you can easily meet your daily quota with just one serving of meatless protein per meal:

Eat more starchy carbs than non-starchy vegetables at most meals.

Starchy carbohydrates are good for you. They can help you build muscle. You should eat them at most meals.

To be clear, this doesn’t mean that you should only eat starchy carbs and no other food groups (that would be dangerous). It simply means that if you want to gain muscle mass, a starchy carb like pasta or potatoes is more important than a non-starchy vegetable like kale or spinach in your meal plan.

This is because your body uses starchy carbs to create glucose, which fuels your muscles. So if you’re trying to build muscle mass, it’s important that the majority of your diet is made up of starchy carbohydrates.

Consider vegan supplements like B12, creatine, iron, vitamin D3 and zinc.

While there are many supplements that can help fill in the gaps in your diet, they aren’t a substitute for a healthy diet. Make sure you are getting all of your nutrients from whole food sources before resorting to supplements.

Here are some examples:

  • Vegan B12: Vitamin B12 is only found naturally in animal products and certain fermented foods, so vegans need to supplement with this vitamin to avoid deficiency. If you decide not to take supplements, you should eat foods fortified with Vitamin B12 (like nutritional yeast) or regularly eat sea vegetables like dulse or kelp seaweed at least once per week.
  • Creatine: Creatine helps the body produce energy by increasing its ability to store phosphocreatine quickly during short bursts of activity. It also helps muscles recover after exercise better than just resting alone does. Although creatine can be made from various meats such as chicken livers or duck hearts, it isn’t technically vegan since it comes from animal products even though no animals were harmed during production! Therefore some vegans choose not use creatine due their ethical beliefs—but there may still be times when using this supplement might be beneficial for muscle growth goals like bulking up or gaining strength before competitions occur later down this process path schedule where we talk about prepping for competition days/times set aside beforehand (e).

Creatine is also one of the most researched supplements in the world, with hundreds of studies showing its benefits for bodybuilders and athletes. There are no known side effects, so it’s a great choice for anyone who wants to get more out of their workouts.

Add fortified foods to your diet.

  • Fortified foods are a good source of minerals and vitamins
  • They’re a good source of nutrients and help you meet your daily nutritional requirements.
  • You can find them in the supermarket, but they may be labelled differently depending on the country where you live.
  • Oats, soymilk, breads, and fruit juices are some of the fortified vegan foods. 

Try protein shakes.

Protein shakes are an easy way to get extra protein in your diet. You can drink them as a meal replacement for breakfast, lunch, or dinner if you’re short on time or don’t want to cook. It’s also a great snack to have after your workout when you’re in need of repairing muscle tissue and building new muscle.

The best time to drink a vegan based plant protein shake is within 30 minutes of finishing your workout because that’s when the body needs it most. If you don’t have the time or energy to make one yourself but still need extra protein, there are plenty of vegan-friendly ready-made options available online!

If drinking a shake right after working out isn’t feasible for whatever reason (you’re too tired after work), then make sure you drink one before bed every night so it’ll be waiting for your body as soon as it wakes up in the morning ready for action!. Origin Nutrition’s vegan protein powder can be a great choice if you are looking for something based on pea protein. It comes in a wide range of flavours with a scoop of protein giving 24 grams of protein. 


You can build muscle on a vegan diet. However, you need to make sure you are eating enough calories and nutrients. You can get plenty of protein from plant sources, but it’s still important to eat a variety of foods to get all the nutrients you need.

You also need to eat enough calories to fuel your workouts, so remember that vegan bodybuilding isn’t just about what you put in your mouth—it’s also about how many calories you burn during training!


Follow these steps and you will be able to go vegan and build muscle. Vegan bodybuilding is not just a possibility but a great way to maintain your health while achieving your goals as an athlete.

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