High-Protein Rice Kheer

High-Protein Rice Kheer


Plant-based milk (Unsweetened 500 ml)
Jaggery powder – 1/4 cup
Maple syrup – 2 tbsp
Origin Vegan Protein (Chocolate flavour) 1 scoop
Cashews & Walnuts
1/2 tablespoon Corn starch mixed with 1/4 cup water


  1. Add the ingredients one by one (as shown in the video) and stir at each stage to not form any lumps.
  2. Place on a low heat and constantly stir till the rice is totally cooked. Add the corn starch slurry to give it a creamy texture.
  3. Bring it to boil & stir for 2-3 mins.
  4. Transfer it to a bowl and garnish it with some slivered almonds, cashews & pistachios.
  5. Serve it hot!
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